Friday, October 6, 2006

Class of 1959 Class Gift Q & A

From the 1959 Class gift Q&A

Q. What are the qualifying criteria for the tomorrow’s leader scholarship?

A. The criteria are as follows: the student must be a person of good character, maintain a “B” average, and neither use drugs nor abuse alcohol.

Q. What portion of a student’s tuition, room and board is paid by an endowed scholarship?

A. The minimum endowment level is $50,000. A full tuition scholarship would be endowed at approximately $400,000. The annual scholarship is paid from the earnings of the endowment, with the principal remaining intact. In recent years the amount paid out annually has been equal to 5% of the principal (at the beginning of the fiscal year). Today at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, annual tuition, room, board, and fees total approximately $26,600.

Q. How would one go about establishing another scholarship endowment as part of the class gift?

A. An individual, or group of people, would earmark their gift(s) for a scholarship endowment in the name of the person or persons being honored. The funding should be completed prior to Homecoming 2009. Typically such endowments are established to honor family members, teachers, or deceased classmates. We highly recommend this form of gift.

Q. Will I have the opportunity to designate that my gift be used for a purpose other than those mentioned in the letter?

A. The answer is yes. The donor always has the option of restricting or designating the gift. Any restriction, however, should be noted on your contribution.

Q. How were the suggested gift categories selected?

A. The university selected scholarships (particularly endowed scholarships) and the campus entrance as its highest current gifting priorities.

Q. Who will determine whether unspecified gifts go toward leadership scholarships or the campus entrance project?

A. Prior to Homecoming 2009 those contributing unspecified funds will be polled for their preferences.

Q. Will all gifts between now and Homecoming 2009 count toward our 50th anniversary class gift?

A. The answer is yes. For administrative purposes, please note all gifts and pledges: “class of ’59 class gift.” Accumulating class gifts over multiple years is a huge opportunity, not utilized by previous classes. We still have almost 3 years to accumulate a class gift, and donors can take advantage of charitable tax deductions over the 4 year period, 2006 through 2009.

Q. If I choose to make a donation in the form of stock, bonds, life insurance or other assets will the University accommodate my preference?

A. The answer is absolutely and enthusiastically “YES!” concerning stocks, bonds and life insurance. Stock can be a particularly tax-wise way to give. The answer concerning other assets such as real estate, art, IRAs, and so on depends on many factors. Please contact Anne Morgan, director of gift planning at the university, at 800-635-5987, ext. 1791 for further information.

Q. I understand that, in certain instances, IRA distributions can be made directly to charitable institutions with favorable tax consequences. Is the University prepared to handle such transactions?

A. The answer is again, “YES.” However, the benefits to the donor can vary, so you are again encouraged to contact Anne Morgan, director of gift planning at the university, at 800-635-5987, ext. 1791 for further information.

Q. How was the $1 million goal established?

A. First of all, the goal was established by members of the Class of 1959, not by Saint Mary’s. There were many factors considered such as: we have multiple years to accumulate the gift, class pride, attachment to the university, the consideration that if we do not make the effort now when will we, and very importantly this will be the last time most of us will get together as a group. In a sense this is our swan song. It would be nice to make an exceptionally positive statement to the university from the Class of ‘59.

Q. What is my fair share?

A. There is no answer to this question. We ask everyone to give according to their means. Obviously the goal is very high. It will only be reached with greater levels of participation and generosity than experienced in the past. The question each individual needs to ask himself is “If not now, when?”

Q. Can I spread my gift out over time?

A. Absolutely. We welcome pledges spread over the time period between now and Homecoming 2009. Let’s take full advantage of the four years of charitable deductions between 2006 and 2009.

Q. I have retired this year and have some fairly large non-recurring income. Is it generally tax effective to concentrate gifting in such a year as opposed spreading it out over several years?

A. That depends on each person’s situation. Charitable donations can be an effective way to reduce tax liability. Consult your tax advisor with regard to your particular situation. For more information on tax-wise ways to give, contact Anne Morgan, director of gift planning at 800-635-5987 c1791 or go to

Class of 1959 Newsletter: October 2006

From the Class of 1959 Newsletter: October 2006

Dear Classmates,

When I was a student at Saint Mary’s Ernie Banks was playing for the Chicago Cubs. He had a knack for coming up with a rhyming slogan each year to inspire both team and fans. “The Class of ’59 will shine at Homecoming 2009” is the best I can come up with. I hope it motivates members of our class better than Ernie was able to do with the Cubs.

Yes, 2009 Homecoming will be our Big One, marking 50 years for our outstanding class. It will be our opportunity to reconnect with other members of the Class of 1959 for a weekend together again on the Saint Mary’s campus.

Many activities are already in progress to make our 50th reunion the best ever. You may think that at this stage of life the Class of 1959 has gone from inactive to inert. Well nothing could be further from the truth.

Class of 1959 Newsletter – This first Class of 1959 Newsletter has been developed to maximize enthusiasm for a large turnout for our 50th reunion in 2009. It will be used to improve communications and inform classmates of activities of interest. I have agreed to accept input from each of you and develop a Newsletter that will be sent out on a regular basis. The frequency will depend on the submissions I receive. So send me your input. It can be just a few sentences about what you are up to these days or it can be lengthier. (I’m sure you have some stories to share.)

Improvement of Class List – Although we know that 152 alumni live in 25 states and 3 foreign countries, 65 alumni still need to be located. Also, we know of 24 who are deceased. Tim Burchill, Louis Guillou, and Meg Richtman from Saint Mary’s have been helpful in improving our class list. However, we still need additional effort to identify seminarians, student brothers, and lay students from our class to assure that we are able to contact as many of our classmates as possible. A list of “unknown” classmates is included later in the newsletter.

Class Gift - As a lasting statement of our gratitude for the important influence Saint Mary’s provided us during our young lives, we are developing a Class Gift program. Ken Ortman has been organizing a campaign that will include visits and calls to classmates to achieve a gift that will not only be impressive but will truly identify our Class of 1959 as outstanding

Maximize 2009 Homecoming Turnout - Some of you have been back on campus a number of times and have seen the growth of our Alma Mater, while others have not been back since the fifties. The amount of change on campus is truly amazing. We have included a few comparisons later in the newsletter which, we hope, will encourage that return trip.

To make our reunion in June of 2009 “special” we need you to attend. Please plan to join us for this once in a lifetime occasion. Let’s enjoy the weekend together “on the bluff” in Winona.

At our 45th reunion we had 21 from our class in attendance from 11 different states, and 14 brought their wives. We had a GREAT TIME, in a GREAT PLACE, with a bunch of GREAT PEOPLE. For those who couldn't be with us, it would have been better if you had been there.

If you have any ideas to help make 50th reunion a special and memorable occasion let me hear from you.

Harry Plotke


Jack Schultz D.D.S.
is busier than ever. He continues to operate his dental practice while also teaching dentistry at Marquette University. By the way, in his spare time he also helps his wife raise horses. You can e-mail Jack at

Harry Plotke,
and his wife Jane, are frequent travelers with elder hostel groups throughout the Pacific Northwest and Canada, and continue to be avid square dance enthusiasts. You can e-mail Harry at

Dick Diaz
is teaching in Chicago’s public school system, while also pursuing a doctorate degree. Kudos to Dick for his continuing pursuit of knowledge. You can e-mail Dick at

Gerry Orth M.D., Dave Theis, Harry Bock, Ken Ortman
and wives met early this year in Palm Springs for golf and dinner and had a great time. Looks like this could become an annual affair. Anyone interested in joining the group in Feb/March of 2007 can e-mail Harry at

Henry Irace
has relocated from Lincolnshire, IL. and is settling into his new home in Alpharetta, GA. It is always great to be near the grandchildren. You can e-mail Henry at

Tom Daly, Dennis O’Malley, Harry Bock, Ken Ortman
and wives meet occasionally for dinner in Chicago’s northwest suburbs. The old school stories keep getting better every time they are re-told. Anyone wishing to join the group can e-mail Dennis at

Tom Daly
is now in his third year of trying to “legalize” his Lake Geneva dock. He facetiously estimates that legal research time and court time invested will soon qualify him for a law degree in the state of Wisconsin. Since Tom is recently retired, he just might continue to invest time until he has a judgeship firmly in hand. You can e-mail Tom at TOM@DALY.TV.

Anthony (Tony) Adducci, KGCHS, KM,
died peacefully surrounded by his loving family on September 19, 2006 in Scottsdale, Arizona. He is survived by his wife of 42 years, Sandy (Gordon); children Michael '87 (Deb), Brian '90 (Allison Thorne '91), and Alicia. Tony was Co-Founder of Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. (Guidant), President of Technology Enterprises, Director of North American Banking Company, Director of Capsule Design, founder of the Adducci Family Foundation, Trustee Emeritus and longtime benefactor of Saint Mary's University.